User Guide

Welcome page with labels for the primary menu, utilities menu, and walkthroughs

Database Entity Tree and Context Menus

The DB entity tree displays the database objects inside a server and is located at the left side of DB workapce once a database session is established.

Most of the DB tree nodes have a context menu with a list of actions available for the node. The context menu can be accessed by right-clicking on the tree node.

Tree context menu when right-clicking on an object

Hint: The properties of currently selected DB object and it’s SQL definition are displayed in the Properties/DDL widget at the bottom of DB objec tree

Database Operation Tabs

The area to the right of the DB entity tree contains the operation tabs. There several tab types, the most common are:

  • Query - this tab is used to edit and execute queries against the database

  • Database Console - shows a command-line-like interface for the database

  • Monitoring dashboard - displays various database performance metrics for the database.

  • Backends - displays a list of active database back-ends, allows to terminate a particular back-end.

The tabs listed above can be opened by clicking on the sign on the tabs panel.

Query tab

The Query Tab is used to write and execute SQL queries. The top area of the tab contains the SQL editor. The toolbar in the middle allows to run most frequently used actions such as running the query, formatting query code, import/export SQL from files etc. The bottom part of the screen contains the query result data-grid and query plan visualizer.

Query tab overview

Editing the code

The query editor suports syntax highlighting code completion and formatting for most common SQL dialects.

The code completion operates in live mode by default. Live completion may be disabled for the current database connection by toggling the AB switch on top of the database object tree. The autocomplete can also be called with a hotkey (Ctrl-Space or Cmd-Space by default).

The code can be auto-formatted either clicking the the Format SQL button or with a hotkey (Alt-S by default)

Hint: the script in the editor can be saved to a file or loaded from file using the Save To file and Load From File buttons on the toolbar. Hint: SQL scripts can also be imported into editor by drag and drop.

Running the query

The query can be executed by clicking the Run button on the toolbar. The Run Selection button allows to execute the selected part of the code in the query editor, if no code is selected the code line under the cursor will be executed. Alternatively, the selected region of the code can be executed via context menu of the editor.

Once query is executed its output will be displayed in the query results data-grid. Query results with more than 50 rows, are loaded in chunks, click Fetch More or Fetch All respectively to load the next chunk or complete query result.

Query errors returned by the database will be shown as red error annotation to the left of line of the query which caused error. Hover the mouse pointer over annotation to reveal error details.

Working with query results

The contents of query results data grid can be copied to clipboard. First, select the rows to be copied by clicking on them, then right-click on the data grid and select the Copy option of the context menu.

The contents of data-grid cells can be viewed in a pop-up window, this is especially useful with cells containing large amounts of data. To view the contents of the cell either double-click on it or select the View Content option of its context menu.
The query result data can be exported into a file by selecting the desired export format in the drop-down (XLSX or CSV) and clicking the Export Data button.

Hint: Data-grid columns can be quickly maximized/minimized by double-clicking the corresponding column header.
Hint: Hover over the data-grid header to reveal column resize controls.
Hint: Click on the to the left of data-grid header to reveal grid layout menu

Re-running previous queries

PgManage keeps the history of previously executed queries. The history can be searched and filtered by date range and the database against which query was executed.

Image showing the query history

Click the Query History button to bring up the history modal.
Right-click on the cell of Command column of the history record and select the Copy Content to Query Tab context menu option. Alternatively, just double click on the particular history command cell.

Visualizing the query execution plan

The query execution plan visualizer can be called by switching to the explain link of the query tab. To run EXPLAIN ANALYZE click on the corresponding button on the toolbar. Alternatively the query can be prepended by EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE keywords and executed.

Query tab with the explain tree under it

Note: The Explain functionality is available for PostgreSQL only.

Console tab

The database console behaves similarly to native database console tools like psql etc. and may be used in scenarios where more “direct” database access is desired.

Console tab with a text editor under it

Monitoring dashboard

The monitoring dashboard displays various database performance metrics in form of graph/chart/grid widgets:

  • Activity

  • Autovac Freeze: Top 20 Tables

  • Autovacuum Freeze

  • Autovacuum Workers Usage

  • Backends

  • Bloat: Top 20 Tables

  • Blocked Locks

  • Checkpoints

  • Database Growth Rate

  • Database Size

  • Heap Cache Miss Ratio

  • In Recovery

  • Index Cache Miss Ratio

  • Long Autovacuum

  • Long Query

  • Long Transaction

  • Seq Scan Ratio

  • Temp Files Creation Rate

  • WAL Production Rate

  • Transaction Rate

The list of displayed monitoring widgets can be configured by clicking on Manage Widgets and selecting the desired graphs. Existing widgets can be removed from the dashboard by clicking the icon of the corresponding widget.

The refresh interval of each widget can be configured by entering the number of seconds in the corresponding input field of the widget and hitting the enter key.

Custom monitoring widgets may be created by Manage Widget New Widget. This will open a modal window where name, type, refresh interval and template can be specified. Once a template has been selected, you may edit the data source script and graph parameters.

Display of the monitor unit creation form

Note: the monitoring dashboard is available for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MySQL only.

Backends/Process List

The Backends tab displays the list of active database session processes with information such as process id, start time, query, transaction start time, connected user, etc. One can terminate a running back-end process by clicking the icon.

Note: the Backends/Process list tab is available for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MySQL only.

Editing Table Data

Table data can be edited in visual format using the Data Editor module. This feature can be accessed by right-clicking on a table node in the DB entity tree.

Image illustrating how to access the data editor grid

A new data editor tab will be shown. By default, the first 10 rows of the query will be fetched. A text field allows to change the query’s conditions. Click on the funnel button to apply new filter and limit settings.

Image showing the data grid tab

The data editor allows the following changes:

  • Add a row: Click on the icon on the top-left of table header. The new empty row will be added to the top of the grid.

  • Delete a row: Click on the icon next to a row will mark it as a candidate for deletion.

  • Edit cells: Double-click on a data cell to enter the edit mode, make the changes, click outside the cell to exit from edit mode, hit Esc key to discard cell changes.

  • Revert the Changes: changed table rows are marked with red and orange colors for deleted and edited rows respectively. You can revert the changes by clicking the revert button to the left of the row.

Once the desired changes are done, click on the Apply changes button.

Creating and Edititng Tables

Database tables can be created and edited in Schema Editor. To create a new table righ-click on the Tables node in DB tree and select Create Table menu item.
To edit an existing table righ-click on it’s DB tree node and select Table Actions -> Alter table menu item.

The schema editor tab will be shown Schema Editor Tab

Define table column, their order and properties.
The SQL code for operations to be performed will be updated in live mode as you change the table definition.
Each column widget has several action buttons on the right.
Newly created columns can be reordered by clicking UP and DOWN buttons. Columns can also be deleted. Newly defined columns will be removed immediately. Existing columns will be marked for deletion (highlighed in red), deletion can be reverted by clicking the revert button.

Once ready, click the Apply Changes to execute the generated SQL code.


Note: UI controls available in Schema Editor may be different depending on the database type and operation type (create/edit). Note: Table indexes can be defined for existing tables only.

Working With Snippets

The snippets panel can be shown by clicking the Snippets icon on the sidebar. To minimze it either click on any other item on the sidebar or click the litte gray tab on the top of snippets panel.

The snippets panel has a tree-view on the left. Here you can view and manage your snippets. The contents of the snippets is displayed and can be edited in the tabs on the right.

Image displaying the snippets panel

To create a new snippet click on the icon in the snipped panel tab list or right-click the root node in the snippets tree and select the New Snippet option from the context menu. Write the snippet code in the editor and click the ‘Save’ button.

To open existing snippet for editing double click its node in the tree.

Snippets can be organized in folders. To create a folder right-click a parent node for the folder in the tree and select the New Folder option from context menu.

Note: Snippet contents can be saved to file or loaded from file using the correspoding toolbar buttons.

To use a saved snippet, open a query tab and right-click on the query editor. Here you may use, overwrite, or create a snippet. The snippets can then be used in the query editor by clicking on of the items under the Use Snippet context menu section.

Image showing how to use snippets on the query tab

PostgreSQL Role Management

Postgres roles can be created and edited in Role Editor. To create a new role righ-click on the Roles node in DB tree and select Create Role menu item.
To edit an existing role righ-click on it’s DB tree node and select Alter Role menu item.

The role editor will be shown:

Role Editor

Here you can define the name of the role, its password, validity date and other attributes.
The Memberships tabe allows to define memberships of this role. Please refer to the official Postgres Role Membership for details on how role members work.

The SQL code for the role changes will be updated in live mode as you change the table definition.
Once ready, click the Save to execute the generated SQL code.

PostgreSQL Configuration Management

PgManage provides a convenient user interface for PostgreSQL’s ALTER SYSTEM set of commands via the Server Configuration module. This command is used to change the server’s parameters without having to manually alter the postgresql.conf file or running ALTER SYSTEM commands.

To open the Server Configuration module, right-click on the server node in the DB entity tree and select Server Configuration.

Image with pointer clicking the Server Configuration button

A new tab will open with the server configuration settings. Here you can search for a particular setting, filter available settings by category, the list of matching settings will be automatically displayed. Each list item shows the setting name along with a brief description. Setting value can be changed by entering new value in the corresponding input field. Settings which have non-default values can be reverted to defaults by clicking revert icon of the corresponding setting.
Once the necessary set of configuration changes is made the changes must be applied by clicking the Apply button. A prompt with the list of configuration changes to be made will be shown. Here, you can provide a name for the current configuration snapshot.
Once committed, the server configuration changes will be applied and the snapshot of the previous configuration should appear in the Config History drop-down menu.
One may return to a previous configuration snapshot by selecting the snapshot from the dropdown menu, clicking the revert button, and confirming the operation.

Note: PgManage will notify the user if any configuration changes require a PostgreSQL server restart that should be done manually.

Screenshot of the Server Configuration interface

PostgreSQL Extension Management

PostgreSQL Extensions can be managed via the dedicated dialog accessible by right-clicking the Extensions node and its subnodes in the DB Object Tree.

Extensions node with menu

Click Create Extension to open the extension management dialog. Here you can select the extension to be installed, the schema where to install the extension and the extension version. Optionally, you can set the extension comment. A preview of the CREATE EXTENSION query will be displayed under the Preview section. Click Save button to apply the changes.

Create Extension menu

Right-clicking on a given extension will display a menu with the following options:

  • Alter Extension: The Alter Extension option will open the management dialog for the selected extension. Here you can alter the properties of the existing extension.

Alter Extension menu

  • Edit Comment: Displays a template on a new tab with a COMMENT ON EXTENSION query.

  • Drop Extension: The Drop Extension will open a prompt confirming if the given extension should be dropped. Cascading can be enabled if desired.

SQL Templates

The application automatically creates a template for actions selected in the DB Entity Tree. For example, vacuum table template can be created by right-clicking on a table object and selecting Table Actions Vacuum table. For a given table, the following text was generated in a query tab:

Image showing the autogenerated template for an VACUUM query

Then the templated code in the query editor can be adjusted as needed and executed.

Backup and Restore

PgManage has a convenient user interface for Postgres’s pg_dump, pg_dumpall, and pg_restore set of commands.

These features can be accessed by selectin Backup or Restore options from the DB tree context menu of Server Schema or Table nodes.

The backup and restore operations run as background jobs, allowing to do other tasks in PgManage without interrupting the process. Once the job completes the notification will be shown.

The backup/restore operations are listed under the Jobs section. Here, information such as PID, Type, Server, Object, Start Time, Status, Duration, and Actions will be displayed.

Under the Actions column, you may view details about a specific job or delete the job. The information about the job will contain the executed command, the start time, the duration of execution, and the output. The output of currently executing jobs can be viewed live by clicking its View Details icon.

PIGZ Support

A more performant PIGZ backup compressor is supported on Linux. If desired, PIGZ needs to be installed on the target OS. For example, in Ubuntu, you may install it as follows:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y pigz

Next, the path to the PIGZ binaries needs to be specified in Utilities Menu Settings Options Pigz Binary Path.

Settings menu with the PIGZ's path field

Once installed, toggle Compress with Pigz or Decompress with Pigz switch on the backup/restore screens respectively.


PgManage allows you to create backups for a database, a table or the whole server. Database backups can be made incustom, .tar, plain, or directory formats. The only format supported for server backups is plain.

To create a backup, right-click on the server, database or a table node of the DB entity tree. Then, select Backup Server or Backup respectively. This will open the following tab:

Image of the backup dialog and the Job section

Once the general information is filled out the Revert settings, Preview, and Backup buttons will be made available.

  • Revert settings: resets the backup dialog settings to their default.

  • Preview: displays a modal with the command to be executed.

  • Backup: executes the backup commands as indicated in the form.


To restore the server or a database, right-click on the appropriate object on the DB entity tree and select Restore Server or Restore respectively. A new tab will open with the restore dialog.

Image of the restore dialog and the Job section

Once the general information is filled out the Revert Settings, Preview, and Backup buttons will be made available.

  • Revert settings: resets the restore dialog settings to their default.

  • Preview: displays a modal with the command to be executed.

  • Restore: executes the restore commands as indicated in the form.

pg_cron GUI Instructions

First, install pg_cron extension in your target OS. For example, in Ubuntu, you may install it as follows:

sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-[postgres version]-cron

Next, add pg_cron to shared_preload_libraries in server configuratiom management moule:

PG Cron in shared preload librarues

Reload postgres configuration to apply the changes:

sudo pg_ctlcluster [version] [cluster_name] reload

Then, the pg_cron functions and metadata tables can be created.

Add pg_cron extension via Extension Manager:
PG Cron add extension

Now the new Jobs item should be available under the database node: PG Cron Jobs Node

A new job can be created by right clicking the Jobs node, existing jobs can be edited by selecting the View/Edit option from the job context menu. In the Job dialog the following options are available:

  • Job Name

  • Run In Database: the database against which run the query

  • Run At/Cron expression: the period for running the job. You can use the Cron schedule widget to define the schedule or click the Define manually switch and write Cron expression by hand.

  • Command to Run: the SQL expression to be executed at the specified schedule

When viewing the existing job, the Job Statistics tab can be used to view last 50 job execution results.

PG Cron UI dialog

Important: By default, pg_cron uses libpq to open a new connection to the local database, which needs to be allowed by pg_hba.conf. It may be necessary to enable trust authentication for connections coming from localhost in for the user running the cron job, or you can add the password to a .pgpass file, which libpq will use when opening a connection.
Please refer to official pg_cron documentation for more details.